Canvas Prints

Canvas Prints

After trying hundreds of variations of canvas we feel we have found the perfect canvas for both high quality and a long lasting stretch. In fact, our canvas stock is rated to last 100 years!

Your final product can be coated with either a gloss or matte finish. Both options offer protection from sun or environmental damage. While the choice of matte or gloss can be due to the environment’s lighting or the look desired, both styles bring out crisp vibrant colors and detail images. You can also order uncoated canvas prints, but expect them to deteriorate quicker over time if you do not add a final coat.

We also offer printing across more than one panel for large murals or detailed design configurations.

You have the full use of our advanced editor to create your masterpiece. Additional text, images and backgrounds can be added and arraigned as you want.

All orders are checked by our artists in Adobe Photoshop for image quality. We use an artificial intelligence based super resolution filter to get the clearest possible picture when we create canvas prints. We will contact you right away if there are any issues relating to the order or the image(s).

Finished Canvas are usually available within 5 to 7 business days.


We offer several type of finish mounting, both wrapped and unwrapped.

Wrap options are:

  • Gallery Wrap - Stretched around a 1 1/2 inch thick wooden frame.
  • Café Wrap - Stretched around a 3/16 inch thick gator board.
  • Thin Wrap - Stretched around a 3/4 inch thick wooden frame.
  • Unwrapped - Shipped rolled in a tube.


In addition to the type of wrap, we also offer options for frames to mount your canvas prints:

  • Black Frame - Mounted insideha a 3/4" thick black-finished floating wood frame.
  • White Frame - Mounted inside a 3/4" thick white-finished floating wood frame.
  • Wood Grained Frame - Mounted inside a 3/4" thick floating natural-grained wood frame.

Canvas Material

Appearance - With a consistent imaging surface that provides a crisp look with a high white point, our canvas material is balanced between brightness and texture for optimal use in fine art, reproduction of photographs and high resolution / large format display.

Durability - Our 65% / 35% poly-cotton canvas blend is water resistant and acid free with a pH neutral coating, achieving better than 300% ink coverage.


  • Material 35% Cotton, 65% Polyester Blend
  • Fabric Weave Oxford 2 over 1
  • Gauge 20 mils
  • Basis Weight 400g
  • Whiteness ≥ 120 CIE
  • Opacity 98.5%

Holiday Shipping

Holiday Shipping Times & Cut Off We are currently able to ship all print types in time for the holidays, but the sooner you order, the better. Shipping companies are advising to ship packages for holiday delivery by December 16th. Many packages shipped after the 16th will still arrive in time for the holidays, but they are not guaranteeing it. While we do not have full control over the shipping and transit times, here is our best guess at the realistic cutoff dates. West Coast: Order by December 16th Central: Order By December 20th East Coast: Order by December 21st